The importance of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choroid in retinal physiology is being increasingly recognized. Vesicular, proteins, ions transporters and transcytosis control exchanges between the choroid, the RPE and the subretinal space, preventing fluid entry from the choriocapillaris and actively pumping ions and water towards the choroid. Alterations of RPE barrier contribute to macular edema. But, the exact mechanisms controlling RPE transport functions during aging or pathologic conditions remain to be explored. We will study protein and ion / water transports accross the RPE and choroid in relation with aging, diabetes, oxidative stress and more specifically their regulation by steroids and cholinergic pathways. To directly visualize RPE cells in humans, a novel imaging technology is being developed (Laforest T et al, 2020) in collaboration with the Polytechnique School of Lausanne (EPFL) and a strat-up company, EarlySight has been created