Cordeliers Cell Biology Laboratory (CCBL)

The Cordeliers Cell Biology Laboratory platform offers all the regulatory environment essential for the manipulation of level 2 microorganisms and genetically modified organisms

The L2 biosafety laboratory off CCBL is dedicated to the confined experimentation of biologic agents classified in group 2 (according to French regulation of the 16 July 2007) and of genetically modified organisms (GMOs n° xxx) to be confined in a level 2 laboratory (according to the HCB manual of  30 November 2014).

ACCESSIBILITY : The core facility is open to all CRC personnels, to members of its associated universities, as well as to external users, academic or private

CONTROL QUALITY : It has entered an ISO 9001:v2015 and NFX 50-900 certification process

RESERVATION : CCBL access request and equipment reservations are done through


The CCBL is equipped with 4 workstations:

  • One is for virus experimentation and primary cell cultures.
  • The other three are for cell lines culture.

In addition to the usual equipment, the CCBL provides access to the xCELLigence RTCA DP, Countess 3 FL Cell counter, and Optima XE-90 IVD BIO-SAFE Ultracentrifuge.

This instrument allows continuous measurements of cell invasion and migration by impedance measurement, without labeling.


L2 request and equipment reservations are done through the OpenIRIS system.

The use of OpenIRIS requires the creation of a personal account. Please contact the L2 staff in charge to create and validate your personal account.


Staircase F, 2nd floor.


CCBL technical and operational managers

Delphine LE CORRE –


  • Charte CCBL
  • Procédures plateforme CCBL
  • Formulaire prestation
  • Liste rotors mis à disposition
  • Procédure alarme CO2