The Cordeliers Cell Biology Laboratory platform offers all the regulatory environment essential for the manipulation of level 2 microorganisms and genetically modified organisms
The L2 biosafety laboratory off CCBL is dedicated to the confined experimentation of biologic agents classified in group 2 (according to French regulation of the 16 July 2007) and of genetically modified organisms (GMOs n° xxx) to be confined in a level 2 laboratory (according to the HCB manual of 30 November 2014).
ACCESSIBILITY : The core facility is open to all CRC personnels, to members of its associated universities, as well as to external users, academic or private
CONTROL QUALITY : It has entered an ISO 9001:v2015 and NFX 50-900 certification process
RESERVATION : CCBL access request and equipment reservations are done through

The CCBL is equipped with 4 workstations:
- One is for virus experimentation and primary cell cultures.
- The other three are for cell lines culture.
In addition to the usual equipment, the CCBL provides access to the xCELLigence RTCA DP, Countess 3 FL Cell counter, and Optima XE-90 IVD BIO-SAFE Ultracentrifuge.

L2 request and equipment reservations are done through the OpenIRIS system.
The use of OpenIRIS requires the creation of a personal account. Please contact the L2 staff in charge to create and validate your personal account.
Staircase F, 2nd floor.
CCBL technical and operational managers

Audrey DIDELOT –

Delphine LE CORRE –
- Charte CCBL
- Procédures plateforme CCBL
- Formulaire prestation
- Liste rotors mis à disposition
- Procédure alarme CO2