Functional Genomics of Mesothelioma, led by Didier Jean Ph.D., studies pathogenesis of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), a rare tumor, with poor prognosis due to the lack of efficient treatment. They focus on refining the molecular classification of MPM to better consider tumor heterogeneity between patients by integrating multi-omic analysis using their large collection of tumor samples. The objectives are to identify new tumor homogeneous subtypes associated with specific biomarkers and to transfer the MPM molecular classification to clinic. They also characterize intra-tumor heterogeneity focusing on heterogeneity of tumor samples at different anatomical sites and on the presence of different tumor cell entities in MPM. Didier Jean’s team also performs functional analysis using their cell lines biobank and develop therapeutic strategies by screening anti-tumor compounds.
Web Site: http://zucmanlab.com/mesothelioma/