Our current main questions are:
– To decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to immune cell exclusion in the TME (Isabelle Cremer)
-To characterize the TME by spatial in situ analysis of immune clusters, metabolic pathways in tumor and immune cells and molecular alterations (Diane Damotte, Audrey Lupo, Marco Alifano).
– To deeply characterize how viruses reprogram the tumor microenvironment leading to resistance to chemotherapy, increased tumor invasiveness and angiogenesis (Isabelle Cremer)
– To determine the antitumor effects of cold atmospheric plasma in mice models of lung cancer (Isabelle Cremer)
– To identify mechanisms leading to autophagy that involves extracellular microvesicles and its impact in anti-tumor immunity (Pierre-Emmanuel Joubert).
– To characterize the molecular signature of aberrant vasculature in renal cell carcinoma and to study the functionality of these aberrant structures (Catherine Monnot).– To study immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)-related irAEs and characterize the functional links between clinical response to ICIs and appearance of auto-immune manifestations (Sophie Sibéril).