March 8 is not just a celebration—it is also a reminder: a reminder of women’s right to equal opportunities, fair hiring, equal pay, and the ability to hold any position in any field, including science.
At the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (CRC), women are researchers, engineers, professors, PhD students, associate professors, practitioners, team leaders, general secretary, technicians, postdoctoral researchers, administrative managers, and even the center’s director. And while this may seem obvious today, it is thanks to those who paved the way.
A strong example of gender balance, the CRC is led by Jessica Zucman-Rossi, with 7 women team leaders out of 14, and around 230 women among 550 people. Ensuring gender equality is a daily effort and a strong commitment of the CRC and its director.
I am always delighted to promote gender equality at the highest level! Appointing female scientists to leadership positions requires our constant attention.
Jessica Zucman-Rossi
At the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, the Gender Equality and Professional Parity Committee is actively working to advance these issues and ensure a fairer work environment for all.
Together, let’s continue striving for equality. Let’s celebrate progress and reaffirm our commitment to turning equal opportunities into a tangible reality.